Saturday, July 7, 2012


Unfortunately it doesn't matter what, who, or how you all comes down to a 5-letter word
and that is FAITH. Why?  Well for one thing we as vulnerable human beings we take our belief in "faith"  for granted.  Yes.  Yes we do.  Why say you?  Glad you asked.  Whatever we are doing we have faith.  Whether we realize it or not.  It's faith that we have that our stupid ass car starts in the a.m. prior to driving to work, it's faith that we get thru the day, even tho it is hell on wheels type of day, it's faith that we can get up tomorrow even tho today truly sucks, it's just FAITH in the future of what will be or can be.

The word Faith per Miriam Webster..the know all be all God:

Definition of FAITH
a: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one's promises (2): sincerity of intentions
a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs
but maybe faith is a little bit more than MW's definition....maybe, just maybe it is something more....  Yeah, I love Dr. Seuss what can I say.
Faith is accepting the present as it is, and trying to and accepting the past.  Faith is being somewhat patient (which I have issues with) with one's self, and pushing the limits as needed.  Faith is following some unknown need/desire and believing in that faith that is guiding me/us. 
FAITH is believing in yourself when everyone else, even peeps close to you, are negative and poo-poo what you are contemplating. 
I know this poo-poo effect.  I received it often in my 7yrs of striving for my nursing degree.  
I now see it periodically with my sights set on massage therapy.  Ya know what?  Have at it.  Cuz I'm an awesome Trauma/ICU RN, and I will continue that, and will be a frickingly awesome Massage Therapist! 
Have faith in you, and reassess prn=as needed.  I'm starting to realize ME in all of this shuffle, and I totally love it.

1 comment:

  1. Well YOU are incredible! Keep up the great work love! <3
