Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's about damn time!

That I start training/running like I mean it again. *humph!*  ITB issues be damned!  I'm taking the aggressive therapy road and doing lots of stretching, ART, muscle stimulating, and even acupuncture to keep my muscles from having their play date at my expense.  It seems to be working.  I was able to sock away a 10 mile run yesterday and 6-7 mile run the day before....xcellent!

I've tried out some new equipment too.  Got me some Newton runners.  I wasn't too sure about them at first, but I really, really love them now.  They are so the opposite of my Bondi B's it's just plain silly, but it works for me as far as alternating my runners.  I also purchased a hydration pak.  So far so good.  I can actually take my phone or even my real camera on my runs now if I want.  The phone is p'bly a good idea for my long know, just in case.  Now all I need to get is my Rx Oakley's so I can see my phone apps and all will be good.  ;-)  For those of you who question the entire hydration thing,  I usually carry hand-held hydration, then try to plan my runs around park areas, so I can get some H2O periodically.  Tho, if I run on trails that idea is nixed for sure.  Plus, it was actually nice not to have to carry a water bottle in my hand. 

As for this year with events and all......well that is still being hashed over in my little head here.  I know for sure I want to run the Big Bear 15 mile trail run come June, then if I can stay healthy and uninjured I would like to shoot for the Noble Cyn 50k in Sept.  Tho, around these parts it's going to be pretty brutally hot at that time of year.  I know, just quit your whining and suck it up princess!  Yeah, got it.  Thank you very much.  I also plan on tweaking my training somewhat and doing some strength work.  OMG!!  Yes, you read that correctly.  It should be an interesting experimental training period that is for sure.

Sooooo, that is the plan or quasi-plan right now.  I'm looking forward to it.  I know, what the hell is wrong with me? 

All I can say is that running is my crack baby.  Gotta do it, gotta have it and repeat daily, if not twice daily.  Xcellent!!

1 comment:

  1. I knew you'd like my dark side. Welcome to Newtons Mama!! :D
