Friday, February 10, 2012

Here I am......

I'm 49 now as of 2/8.  Yay or not.  Dependent on your "tude" and how you think of age.  I don't feel any older, really.....tho this last entire year I would like to take over and then some.  I would like a "movie" redo and make it a "Dallas" dream segment.  Tho, that isn't my karma or my future I guess.

I checked in on my Facebook page...yeah, yeah.  Have your say, but WhatEV!!  Anyhow, I was just checking on my iPad to see if I could gander at some of my peeps Timelines.  It looks to me like some peeps haven't converted and FB (as they touted) are not making a big stink just yet.  Either that, or FB is slow on the mojo with the "i" informatics.

Anyways, I caught peeps wishing a "happy B-Day" to a boy...who left us as a boy.  "Her" boy, who was barely past a baby in her eyes, and possibly going on tweenhood on the other side. 

I was training for triathlons at the time, and in nursing school (2nd semester, pediatric semester FYI), when I read of the tragedy of the family in the paper.  My daughter went to Kindergarten with this boy.  I had no reason to grieve, not really.  I had a Costco...only a moment in time with his mom and him.  My daughter was with me, I figure that is how "mom" recognized me.......she was sweet and kind, and said something to me, that I will never forget.....ever, ever...... "I love your daughter."  "I want my  ______ to marry your daughter."  I smiled....sorta laughed, cuz they were all of 5, and went on my way.  Two to three years later....he died in a horrific accident.  I wasn't hit so much by the newspaper spread as it was, but when I biked by the memorial on a main highway....and stopped, and knew it was for him....I cried and cried.  It took me months to get over thinking of him and grieving for him even tho I barely knew him or his family.

As it is, my Alex and this woman they reunited as teacher/student many years later.  I connected with her after I lost my Trent.  She is special, as her family.

She is important to me....she just is. 

A shout out to her son.  It is his day, as it always will be......HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 

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