Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Start.....


All I can say, is thank God the holidays are over! 

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy them, tho this year for reasons my 2 blog readers know, is that it was different.  Two important peeps missing in my realm.  Trent and Doug--aka Duck.  My heart, my heart to them both.  Anyhooooooo......FUCK 2011...it's now 2012 and so far so good.

We moved about the 1st week of Dec. from our other home.   Our home for a good long stretch.

Lots of memories in that old home of ours.  It was our 2nd home, and Alex was only 5 when we moved in, in March of 98'.  Trent was 10 and Cameron was 8.  Yeah, my kids grew up in alot of ways in that house.  We celebrated B-Days (mucho B-Days), holidays, graduations.  There were sleepovers....and sleep deprived parent's every single time.  A pool we put in when I started working in the ICU (nites at 1st, so I was mostly catatonic), additions of new furry creatures in our lives (no not rats or gophers, tho we did have a gopher in the backyard for a short while), we increased our backyard capacity for parties, put in a basketball hoop for Alex in her Freshman year.  Lotso...lots of memories. 

Unfortunately recent memories of what was home were not that great.  Remembering the day we got the news about Trent....real, but yet surreal in a way.  When the AF came to the door that afternoon, told us how he died, and they seemed pretty emotionless.........I'm thinking.....really??  After they left Mitch side kicked our front door.  To this day and future days, I will forever see that mark in my head, at the middle of the front door and know what agony and grief that the indentation means.  To the new owners, hey it is nada really, maybe just a flaw in the middle of the door is all.  Also at times I would come around a corner and see Trent, on the couch, at the table, opening the fridge and lingering.  Kind of a haunting of sorts, as it was.

They say...whomever "they" are, you should not make dramatic changes in the first year of death, divorce....and so on.  Yeah, I do get that, I really do.  At times tho, it just needs to be.  It's how you deal with it or how I will deal with it this year and forward that will matter.

On a side note, the peeps who purchased our home....it's all good.  We had a go of it to say the least these last 3-4months.  Banks can suck let's just say.  I kept sticking with these peeps, cuz they had kids, and were so interested in moving up here and wanting our home.  I met them yesterday for the first time.  I really like them.  They are the family I wanted and want to live and purchase my home.  They are gracious, young, and just starting out.  First home and all.  I will always have a connection with my "other" home and I wanted a young family to grow up in it and appreciate it.  I want them to have a place that we had for greater than 10+ yrs.  A place for sleepovers, grad parties, pool fun, and most of all a place where memories are made and forever remembered.

I will r'mber my last home as a special place.  Where my kids grew up, and I grew up and flourished at the same time.


  1. Sad, and yet hopeful, a new beginning in a way, though, well, I guess that only exists in fairy tales. But I'm glad you finally got the house thing settled, and that you like the people who bought your place - that does help. And you're moved - yay! At least no longer in limbo. :-)


  2. Beautiful post. I have an understanding of the need to change location. Sometimes the memories chase you from room to room. Love you lots.

  3. Thanks guys. No, def not expecting Fairy Tales that is for sure. Tho, not wanting the year to barf on me would be xtra sweet. :-)

    Yep, sometimes getting rid of old baggage is a good thing. Hope so anyways.

  4. i loved your old house.ill always remember picking up trent from there, or following him home from work when he worked at petsmart and than going to barnes & noble or going to dinner at chili's. i'm glad you had good memories there love. now its time for new memories at your new house. :) <3

  5. "I will r'mber my last home as a special place."

    Agree. Hoping for a good year to you especially in your new home. :)

    Peny@nursing uniforms
