Ok, I digress a little from my previous post. Yeah, well I'm human and female, so slay me if you will.....like whatever.
I have a bone to pick with not only my 19yo son, but also a retailer, a doctor, obesity, a lil thing called my cable co., and the older population- a.k.a raisins. Not in any order mind you, but just hold on to your pants peeps.
Now don't get me wrong I am trying to seize my days, damnit! I am! Tho, certain things keep hindering me. Keeping me from "smelling the roses" as it were. I guess tho it is better to be pissed, happy, sad, than apathetic any day of the week.
Soooo first off, the good ol' doc Eeyore,
who drove me completely nuts yesterday at work. Now mind you, I was fortunate enough not to have one of his patients. I was helping a novice nurse out yesterday with her patient and of course someone he was rounding on. First of all, nothing drives me more nutty than him coming in and doing his heavy sighing, running his hands through his slowly thinning locks, and basically just not knowing what to do for said patient. Tho he will order every frickin test, smear, scan, known to modern medicine to help save this unfortunate soul. Who just happens to be DOV (dead on the vent) already, and nothing that we will do will help him/her and or improve this person's quality of life. Just slap me now...or yesterday as it were!
Oh, and another fine thing at work yesterday. Discovered that we as nurses are being sensitized no not sterilized, "sensitive training" for said "THE OBESE DISEASE." Can you fucking believe they consider obesity a disease now? Like WHaaaaa? Why not? Guess medicine does it now and it is acceptable, so insurance companies will pay for gastric bipass and lap band surgeries. I really don't mind, well maybe a little at times, taking care of the larger population. The only thing I get concerned about is when I have someone bedbound, that weighs > 400lbs and I have to try and turn and shift his/her weight every 2hrs or so to prevent bed sores and fluid build up in their lungs. I worry about my back, my knees, my shoulders...you name it. It is tough caring for someone that cannot walk and has fat folds, and you have to check said fat folds for sores, yeast, etc. Nice...yay for my career!!
Now today started well, I slept well last nite, yay! Got up around 6ish (a.m. that is), sent my hub's off to work, my daughter off to school. Fired up the ol' computer....and what the monkey? No internet!! DOH! Hey, I'm somewhat a creature of habit in the a.m. and I don't read the newspaper until later, but I do hop on the puter, eat my brekkie with my cat's help and catch up on stuff. Damn! In fact, no internet until now that I"m blogging........k, so off to run. That went ok I figure. Not the best, but not the worst. Off to Costco, main reason was to pick up my special order contacts, and of course, I just had to pick up a few other things. Well a couple hundred later, I'm outta there and decide to go to Sephora. Now I've had this B-Day freebie card with me since prior to my B-day. Figured I would get something I needed, then get the free goods after all, I deserve it. I"ve spent more than my fair share to their stockholders in the last 15yrs or so. Anyhow, come to find out they are all OUT of their free B-Day packages. Like WTF? Is this day getting any better or what? Just getting across town from the mall area was excurciating. Must be social security paycheck time. All the frickin old, raisins (I know redundant) were out trying to drive their behomouth boats about. I'm like..."ok grandpa, find the gas pedal," lets turn this corner...yay good job, now lets try to go close to the speed limit and not 15mph here....ummmm, like are you listening to me?? Then another old, whipper-snapper
decided to cut me off, but not only me, but the driver beside me also. This older raisin was driving along the center line. Dude, do you like realize that you are taking up two heavily trafficed lanes of road here?? Naw, guess not. Please, if you know me when I'm older, take my keys away if my reaction time is dulled, if I can't turn my neck or my eyesight really sucks for big ass things in front of me.
Now, I've had a V-Day cookie...yummy, from Costco of course. I've had a little wine to settle myself down and my gimpy cat took a nap in the curve of my chest whilst I was lying on the couch earlier.
How can my day get any better now?
LOL, gf, you had me laughing at "raisins"! ;-)